The Difference Between Intensive Inpatient Therapy (24-Hour Drug Rehab Centers) and Other Facilities
A drug rehab facility that offers an intensive inpatient option is like every other intensive inpatient treatment center, right? Wrong. ...
Treat the whole person - body, mind, and spirit > CALL TODAY 314.631.4299
A drug rehab facility that offers an intensive inpatient option is like every other intensive inpatient treatment center, right? Wrong. ...
Overview: Older adult members of the LGBT+ community are facing an intersection of challenges. The pandemic is unusually dangerous for...
Overview: Creating a healthy environment is critical to the substance abuse recovery process. In this context, that means both limiting...
In this article: Medications to treat OUD are clinically more effective than psychotherapy alone. People in the criminal justice system...
Overview: A new outreach program seeks to overcome COVID vaccine hesitancy among people with opioid use disorder, who are at...
Overview: “Conversion therapy,” sometimes called “reparative therapy,” is abusive towards LGBTQ people and increasingly banned by state laws. New research...
Deciding where to go for treatment is never an easy choice. There are always lots of factors to keep in...
Once you’ve decided to enter a rehab program, you’re going to have a lot of options to sort through. All...
What you'll learn from this article: Heavy drinking can be a maladaptive coping skill for stress. Binge drinking increased significantly...
Overview: LGBTQ individuals have faced even bigger challenges than the general population due to the coronavirus pandemic and the shutdowns...
Substance use insurance coverage and benefits can be multifaceted and will vary with the different insurance companies and plans. The Harris House Insurance Department has experience working with insurance providers to get our clients the maximum benefits possible. Let our staff do the work for you. LEARN MORE
Harris House is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF International). Harris House is also certified by the Missouri Department of Mental Health, approved by the Better Business Bureau as an A+ accredited charity and a proud member of United Way of Greater St. Louis. LEARN MORE
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Treat the whole person - body, mind, and spirit > CALL TODAY 314.631.4299