Sharing about your sobriety is important to your sobriety
When you first decide to get sober, it can be tempting to keep it a secret. You may worry about...
Treat the whole person - body, mind, and spirit > CALL TODAY 314.631.4299
When you first decide to get sober, it can be tempting to keep it a secret. You may worry about...
12 Common Myths about Drug Treatment Programs Lots of people don’t like talking about drug treatment programs. The idea of...
Relapses are prevalent in addiction recovery, and they can be frustrating and discouraging. Many individuals in recovery may experience shame...
When a family member or close friend is an addict, the heartache you feel is real, and the emotions that...
Overview: A Smartphone app, Connections, is being used to offer secure one-to-one and group support and discussion, to track recovery,...
When you are in the grips of an addiction so strong that you cannot see your way out, drug or...
Addiction is often thought of as a problem that affects only the individual who is using drugs or alcohol. However,...
Telling a new partner that you’re sober can be a difficult and nerve-wracking conversation to have. It can be hard...
When you picture a drug addict or alcoholic, what comes to mind? Certainly not your loved ones…right? Perhaps you think...
If you’re embarking on a sober recovery journey, first and foremost, congratulations — you’ve made a really important decision to...
Substance use insurance coverage and benefits can be multifaceted and will vary with the different insurance companies and plans. The Harris House Insurance Department has experience working with insurance providers to get our clients the maximum benefits possible. Let our staff do the work for you. LEARN MORE
Harris House is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF International). Harris House is also certified by the Missouri Department of Mental Health, approved by the Better Business Bureau as an A+ accredited charity and a proud member of United Way of Greater St. Louis. LEARN MORE
Let your recovery begin
Treat the whole person - body, mind, and spirit > CALL TODAY 314.631.4299